All of a sudden, my once sharp and focused mind became clouded with mental fatigue and sluggishness.
It seemed my cognitive abilities had SLOWED to a crawl.
Even my productivity was deteriorating, and I had very little mental energy throughout the day.
So, I would try various brain supplements and activities, hoping that would help me make it through the next day.
Some days I’d even struggle to concentrate, and still be dragging the next day!
I didn’t realize at the time how BAD it had gotten.
That is, until my husband and I were visiting his side of the family in California over the holidays. He had booked a condo on AirBnB for us to stay in.
When I tried engaging in conversations, I noticed there was a mental fog right in my thought process. We hadn’t had a moment like this in years.
Hesitantly, I decided to try solving a complex puzzle...just to see how it went.
To my dismay, it seemed like my mental sharpness was not what it used to be.
That moment hit me HARD.
I looked in the mirror, and was so disappointed with what I saw in my reflection.
I looked mentally tired, foggy, and... ahem...“diminished”
How did it get this bad? How did I let my sharp mind slip away?
I thought about the “mental clarity experience” the rest of the day. And that evening as I was getting ready for bed, I made a decision.
I Was Determined To Sharpen My Mind and Boost Brain Power!
First thing I did when I got back home was start researching brain-boosting methods.
But, I found out pretty quick that not all methods were suitable for my busy lifestyle at the time.
Then, I stumbled upon a unique Okinawa Memory Bean Method that promised to sharpen the mind and boost brain power.
I had some skepticism initially, but after learning how people were enhancing their cognitive abilities after nothing else had worked, I was convinced it was a legitimate solution.